By working together, cooperative pioneers built the foundation of a generation and transmission cooperative that now provides the wholesale electrical requirements and other services for 25 electric distribution cooperatives and 17 municipal utilities in the upper midwest. Aware that novartis is a swiss company and reports its. On september 15, 2004 proposed rule amendments and new rules concerning the departments child nutrition program were published. A special thank you goes out to les winick for volunteering his time as the chapter leader newsletter editor. Novartis ag and its consolidated affiliates publish consolidated financial statements expressed in us dollars. Annual report of shariah council, 2004 bismillahir rahmanir rahim all praise is for allah subhanahuwatayala who is the one and second to none, salat and salam is on the prophet who is the last and the best. The rule was the culmination of the multiagency healthy choices, healthy kids campaign announced in may 2003 that. Abbott labs, aventis, bms, eli lilly, gsk, jnj, merck, novartis. The meaning of 2004 several major shiftsin business models, in technology and in how they together are reshaping our industryhave. Our annual report 2019 provides a comprehensive overview of novartis, including our corporate governance, compensation practices, and operating and financial results. Annual report 2004 also includes the financial statements prescribed in section 15 of the bylaws. The most significant were the entry into india and indonesia, two dynamic emerging markets with large populations and enormous potential for modern retail.
The department realizes this is a timeconsuming effort for companies and most of the information collected is already available in a similar form via the naic annual statement. It is with this spirit of service, we offer our 20 annual market report, an informative guide to the regions commercial real estate, as well as an indepth analysis of the trends and transactions that shape the office, industrial and retail landscape of the birmingham metropolitan area. A further description of risks and uncertainties can be found in pfizers annual report on form 10k for the fiscal year ended december 31, 2015 and in its subsequent reports on form 10q. Annual report pursuant to section or 15d of the securities exchange act of 1934 for the fiscal year ended december 31, 2004 or transition report pursuant to section or 15d of the securities exchange act of 1934 commission file number 115024 novartis ag exact name of registrant as specified in its charter novartis inc. January september 2012 march, 20 release of the 2012 annual report may 3, 20 20 annual shareholders meeting may 6, 20 dividend payout may 8, 20 interim report. Nissan will achieve a 20 percent or higher return on invested capital on average over the course of the plan, excluding cash on hand.
Vat be 401 574 852 company number 0401574852 registered of. Annual report and financial statements 2006 pdf 872kb. The cash transaction concerns 74 million alcon shares at usd 143. Unless indicated otherwise in this annual report or the context requires otherwise. For additional fund information, including the funds net asset value per share and information regarding the investments comprising the funds. We thank all our longstanding and new donors and partners for their confidence and their generous support for the eth zurich foundation. Summary of 2011 target and preliminary 1st quarter results. Approval of the financial statements of novartis ag, and decision on the. National grid energy efficiency programs in rhode island table 1. Research will be conducted jointly with several institutions, including the genomics institute of the novartis research foundation and the swiss tropical institute. The cclrc works with the other research councils to set future priorities that meet uk.
Revenue can be defined as the amount of money a company receives from its customers in exchange for the sales of goods or services. Holtcooper, coordinating editor to request a copy of this report, or other research information, contact us at the following. Annual report 2004 05 8 notice notice is hereby given that the tenth annual general meeting of tata consultancy services limited will be held on tuesday, july 19, 2005 at 3. Inflation has been less than 3 percent a year, yet nationally the average cost for employerprovided. It is amortised to the profit and loss account over its. This annual report encompasses the calendar year 2004. Financial strength in 2004, we were able to strengthen our already sound balance sheet and the company is in excellent financial condition. This represented an increase of 21% over the previous tax season.
Novartis ag does not currently have any hardcopy reports on. Novartis ag annual quarterly revenue history and growth rate from 2006 to 2020. Company reports our corporate reporting is being presented as part of the energy queensland limiteds suite of reporting documents. Exxon mobil corporation engages in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, and manufacture of petroleum products, as well as transportation and sale of crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products. If annual reports are published on our web page anyone interested in the research topic can read it and at the same time we can reduce the cost for publication. Tetragon financial group limited 2007 annual report 14 feb 2008 tetragon financial group limited tfg monthly update for january 2008. Nissan annual report 2004 3 letter from ceo volume. Annual market report 20 egs commercial real estate, inc. The tennessee department of correction fiscal year 2003 2004 annual report was coordinated and published by. Stability issues of transparent conducting oxides tcos for thinfilm photovoltaics john pern, ph.
Research tree provides access to ongoing research coverage, media content and regulatory news on ingenico group. Representation to other regional and international bodies 1. In spite of 2004, over the past 19 years, we have compounded book value by 28. Annual general meeting the annual general meeting will be held on 10 november 2004 at 10. Annual report 2003 novartis annual report 2003 caring and curing. Revenue is the top line item on an income statement from which all costs and expenses are subtracted to arrive at net income. Cash and cash equivalents 6,275 233442 shortterm deposits 22,911 trade receivables 1,543 43033 other accounts receivable 2,707 43040 inventories 4,184 435,0.
The novartis in society esg report details progress and demonstrates the companys commitment in global health and corporate responsibility. Measles in the who european region july 2016 prevention in the absence of vaccination, about 90% of individuals would be infected before they reached the age of 10. Two doses of measles vaccine provide over 99% protection from the disease and is the standard for all national immunization programmes in the region. Board of directors report annual report and accounts 2014 dno 7 introduction 2014 fullyear results highlights record output with gross production up 66 percent from 20 to 117,482 barrels of oil equivalent per day boepd and company working interest cwi production up 76 percent to 68,958 boepd. The first section of this report contains basic information about oa, explains.
At the workshop, the project leaders will report on the development of ongoing projects and new initiatives since the etn annual general meeting and workshop held in april 20. Spar international annual report 2014 spar international annual report 2014 1 2014 was a breakthrough year for spar with entry into 5 new countries in asia, africa and eastern europe. Annual report 2004 lego group the lego group through three generations 1932. On annual reports of the past few years as pdf versions for download. Nasdaq also proposes to specify that the annual report requirement is applicable only to issuers of common stock and voting preferred stock and their equivalents9 and that the annual report requirement can be satisfied by providing the companys annual filing with the commission, such as on form 10k, 20f, 40f, or ncsr. I think it will help explain how we see the world, and how that is driving our actions. After the cumulative effect, both net income and earnings per share were up 18% over 2003.
Etn annual workshop the next etn annual workshop, kindly hosted by city university london, will take place on 910 october 20 in london, uk. Beginning with the fall 2003 issue, state tax news was published solely in electronic format. Bank of canada annual report 2004 5 the bank of canada has played an integral role in canadian society for 70 years. The annual number of mrsa notifications to the nidr rose over tenfold, from 120 in 1997 to 1458 in 2004, and the proportion of mrsa among s. With respect to the overall trend of demand in the automobile industry during this fiscal year, in the japanese domestic market, the shipment volume of motorcycles saw a decrease from the. In 2004, novartis is able to contribute usd 570 million to patients in need through access to medicine programs.
The annual report 2019 describes eths achievements and performance. National center for photovoltaics ncpv national renewable energy laboratory nrel golden, colorado, usa. Ag news and views a monthly publication of the noble foundations agricultural division volume 34 number 9 september 2016 ag news and views september 2016 4 economics hi, im myriah johnson, and in june i joined the samuel roberts noble foundation as an agricultural economics consultant. Energy queensland limited became our parent company, through the merger of ergon energy corporation limited, energex limited and sparq solutions on 30 june 2016. Annual report 2008 09 3 notice notice is hereby given that the nineteenth annual general meeting of the members of the company will be held on monday, the 14th september, 2009 at 11. Orphanage africa annual report october 2003 4 18 introduction this is orphanage africas oas first report.
The companys annual reports and interim reports will also be available in pdf format on the companys website. Zeneca annual report and form 20f information 2004. From july 26 through december 17, 2004, compliance audits were conducted of. Ten year plan and annual report publication reporting calendar the datesbelowshow the planning and reporting relationship of the ten year plan ltccp, annual plan and annual report. Pdf this case introduces the concept of convergence between international. Securities and exchange commission distribute an annual. In delivering our annual report 2004, we wish to extend our greetings to you. Stability issues of transparent conducting oxides tcos for. To provide the requisite information for the 2004 annual report, a second round of audits was approved by the united states conference of catholic bishops usccb in june 2004. Our consolidated financial statements responsive to item 18 of this annual report on form 20f annual report are prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards ifrs as issued by the international. Pdf nationwide trends in molecular epidemiology of. Novartis ag is the holding company for a multinational group of companies specializing in research, development, manufacture, marketing and sales of healthcare products. Cclrc annual report 2004 2005 3 the council for the central laboratory of the research councils cclrc is an independent, nondepartmental public body of the office of science and technology which itself is part of the department of trade and industry.
Annual report of shariah council, 2004 prime bank limited. We currently have 29 research reports from 3 professional analysts. In our last annual report, we predicted that 2004 would be a challenging year as. In the year after our centennial celebration im pleased to report that the journey we promised to. Sirtex medical limited, a lifesciences company, develops and distributes oncology treatments using small particle. In 2010 the journey continued in much the same way it began by protecting farms and rural communities, demonstrating integrity through. The annual meetings exhibit hall continues to be one of the more popular attractions at the annual meeting. In the introductory note of last years annual report, i wrote the raison detre of the foundation and the objectives of the foundation will remain unchanged even under a new system. We are currently preparing to make a move to a new system with the intention to maintain and. As a result of the conclusion of the regulatory process, nestle completed its sale of 24. In 2019, the swiss pharmaceutical company novartis ags total revenue amounted to just over 47 billion u.
Net sales gross profit operating income net income loss at yearend. Novartis foundation japan introduced html version of annual report on web site this year and ceased the publication of printed version. Nicoderm, a trade mark of sanofiaventis, elan, novartis or. The green tier program gives companies the flexibility they need to improve environmental performance while they boost productivity, cut costs and grow their b usiness. It covers the progress and development of the organization over 12 months of intense collaboration and involvement with african orphanages. I am indebted to all of these men for their leadership and help as i assumed my duties. The interim reports and stock exchange releases will be published in finnish and english on the companys website at. Just prior to my appointment in april, alan armstrong also served as chairman. What were the milestones in the development of our teaching.
The tennessee department of correction fiscal year 2003. Annualplan for 200304 adopted 24 june2003 ten year plan for 2004 14 adopted 28 june2004 annual report for 200304 adopted 31 august 2004 rotorua district. I want to give my thanks to two men who served as chairman of the commission during that year. Interim report 192005 on friday 22 october 2005 at 8. The notice of meeting and proxy form are separate items accompanying this annual report. Key figures in usd millions, unless indicated otherwise share information 2009 2008 net sales 44 267 41459 operating income 9 982 8964 return on net sales % 22. Shiwaga hagos is a health extension worker in ethiopia. Novartis international ag novartis annual report 2004.
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